Faulty screen

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Faulty screen

Post by g7jjf »

I have just turned my CrowPi on after a few weeks of not being used to be presented with :
smallcrowpiscreen.jpg (17.05 KiB) Viewed 6888 times
I just get what seems like vertical lines on the display but no picture.

I have reseated the HDMI connector on the left of the pi board but it made no difference.

Before I start to dismantle things to check for dodgy wiring, does anyone know what the fault may be and is it repairable ?

The rest of the CrowPi seems fine since as I can still connect via VNC.


Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2020 1:19 pm

Re: Faulty screen

Post by g7jjf »

Still no luck getting it to work :(

I emailed Elecrow tech support but they haven't answered so it looks like I am stuck with a faulty unit. The web cam works so I am guessing the LCD panel itself is faulty.
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Re: Faulty screen

Post by 2600Sam »

Have you tried the video output of the PI on another source?

If you do open it up, the plastic facing is wedged in there very tightly, so be careful removing it!
The screen assemble is not connect to the face. I got mine out using and old credit card on the right-hand side to get it removed.

To verify it's not the cable plug another source into the HDMI cable jack on the display.

You can order another display from Elecrow and replace the suspected bad unit
order this one: https://www.elecrow.com/7-inch-1024-600 ... creen.html

Hope you can get it fixed.
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Re: Faulty screen

Post by g7jjf »

Thanks for the reply.

I eventually got a reply from Elecrow tech support which was to just try a different HDMI cable or another Pi/Laptop connected directly to the display.

I have done all this and the screen is still faulty so it looks like I need a replacement one.

I am loathed to pay out $60 when it didn't cost much more than that for the CrowPi in the first place so I hope tech support can come up with another solution.
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Re: Faulty screen

Post by 2600Sam »

sadly it is probably cheaper to replace the screen than to have it repaired even from some 3rd party company!
Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2020 1:19 pm

Re: Faulty screen

Post by g7jjf »

Tech support can only suggest a replacement screen and as the CrowPi is now out of guarantee, I would have to buy a new one.

Rather than spend money on old tech, it would be better to save up and at some point, buy a new CrowPi 2 instead so this is what I will do.

In the meantime, I will continue to use VNC or hook the CrowPi up to my desktop monitor instead.
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